Title: Enhancing Learning and Preventing Cheating with ChatGPT: How to Empower Students
In today’s digital age, concerns about academic cheating among students have prompted an increasing number of American schools to block access to ChatGPT, an advanced AI tool. However, research conducted by educational psychologists and technology experts, Kui Xie and Eric Anderman, suggests that instead of limiting its use, teachers can employ ChatGPT strategically to foster a deeper desire for learning and deter cheating.
Xie and Anderman’s findings reveal that the primary motivation behind student cheating is the desire for academic success. By creating a learning atmosphere that focuses on collaboration and growth rather than competition, teachers can shift the students’ mindset away from cheating. They emphasize that cheating tendencies are strongly influenced by how assignments and tests are designed and graded, rather than the ease of access to technology.
The professors propose several ways in which teachers can utilize ChatGPT as a valuable learning partner. For instance, a science teacher can assign students to collaborate with ChatGPT in designing a hydroponic vegetable garden. By engaging with ChatGPT to discuss growing requirements and exchange design ideas, students are encouraged to deepen their knowledge instead of pursuing high grades alone.
Research indicates that student confidence plays a crucial role in deterring cheating. To boost students’ self-assurance, ChatGPT can provide tailored support and break down complex problems into manageable tasks. For example, if students are tasked with designing a vehicle for efficient fuel consumption, ChatGPT can help students dissect the problem into smaller steps, encouraging them to develop an overall concept before considering finer details like car size or fuel type. This individualized guidance helps students navigate challenges with greater ease.
Personalized feedback is another powerful tool in promoting student confidence. ChatGPT can adopt a cheerful language when delivering feedback, ensuring students feel supported and understood. Instead of bluntly stating an incorrect answer, ChatGPT can initiate a conversation, offering encouragement and assuring the student that occasional errors are a natural part of the learning process. This approach helps students feel motivated and open to improvement.
By adhering to these effective strategies, teachers can leverage ChatGPT to enhance the learning experience, reduce cheating tendencies, and foster a more collaborative and supportive environment. Empowering students through individualized support and cheerful feedback not only boosts their self-confidence but also ensures a desire for learning takes precedence over the pursuit of grades.
As schools adapt to an increasingly technology-driven educational landscape, it is crucial to strategize and incorporate AI tools like ChatGPT to address the root causes of cheating while nurturing a culture of knowledge acquisition and teamwork among students.
Note: This article is a summary and adaptation of a piece authored by Kui Xie and Eric Anderman for The Conversation. The article was adapted for VOA Learning English by Dan Novak.