Korean actor Park Soo Ryun has recently passed away after a fatal accident at the age of 29. The actress was well-known for her appearances in numerous musicals such as The Days We Loved and Siddhartha. Tragically, she passed away just a day before her scheduled performance in Jeju Island.
In other news, former Indian batter Gautam Gambhir has spoken out about the hero-worshipping culture in the country as being the truth behind India’s prolonged wait for an ICC trophy. He highlighted the approach to cricket in the country being approached in the wrong way by those surrounding the sport, leading to individual hero-worshipping.
While there is good news regarding the pandemic’s decline, recent studies have shown that the epidemic of chronic diseases is rapidly growing. It has been reported that India has 101 million diabetes patients, with an additional 136 million on the verge of developing the disease. These alarming statistics have been published in the international journal Lancet by the Indian Council of Medical Research.
It is important to take preventive measures against chronic diseases to maintain a healthy lifestyle. While we may not be able to control all aspects of our health, we can certainly make healthier lifestyle choices to reduce the risk of chronic disease.