Predibase, an end-to-end machine learning platform, recently announced an expansion to its $16.25 million Series A funding round from last year, raising an additional $12.2 million. The company’s low-code, declarative ML platform for developers is now generally available, allowing them to train and deploy their own large language models (LLMs) instead of using APIs from firms such as OpenAI. The firm also announced its Data Science Copilot, a tool that provides developers with insights to improve their models’ performance. Predibase serves as an accessible solution for enterprises looking to embed ML into their applications and provide developers with easy escape hatches from the low-code environment.
Predibase’s CEO, Piero Molino, co-founded the company to empower developers in building ML applications easily, making it simple for novices and experts alike to build machine learning applications and deploy them with only a few lines of code. He created Predator in 2019 and launched the LudwigGPT LLM, whose capabilities are now being extended to allow building and deploying custom LLMs.