Fable, a studio known for creating AI-powered characters such as Lucy, is now working on a new project called The Simulation. Unlike their previous ventures, The Simulation will not revolve around a single AI-powered character but will create an entire world that grows organically and is based on players’ input. The end goal of the project is to create a full artificial general intelligence. During the pandemic, Fable noticed users’ emotional connection to the character Lucy, which led them to expand beyond the 40-minute virtual reality experience to a platform that can extend for days, weeks, or months. The Simulation emerged as a tool that enables users to train their AI and towards creating the artificial general intelligence.
The team expects many players to train AI to help create the world and turn it into a game. By making it engaging, they hope to keep users interested. Although the idea seems intriguing, it does raise ethical concerns about how realistic a simulation can be before it becomes harmful. Fable finds inspiration from Westworld minus the negative aspects, but it still seems disconcerting to create a realistic world without considering the implications.
Fable, the studio behind The Simulation, is known for developing AI characters that forge a real connection with users, such as Lucy. Edward Saatchi, Pete Billington, Frank Carey, and Jessica Shamash are the members who spoke about The Simulation at the GamesBeat Summit.
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