On the internet, nobody knows you’re a bot. This could be the mantra for a perfect storm in the making for the upcoming 2024 elections. Media literacy has hit rock bottom and artificial intelligence (AI) is quickly outstripping humans. It’s a horror story in three acts.
In 1993, the concept of hiding behind a screen name to present oneself as someone else was seen as a form of fun for people who wanted to experiment with different online identities. Now, in 2021, it’s an entirely different ball game. AI technology is advancing so quickly, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to discern the difference between human and automated accounts. In fact, it’s so advanced that some people are starting to question their own existence – whether they, too, are AI equipment. This begs the questions; how much longer will it be before AI completely takes over the internet?
We are in such a vulnerable condition in the digital age, with minimal oversight and control. The tide is shifting in AI’s favor, meaning the consequences of this vulnerability could be dire. And yet, when it comes to understanding our own media literacy and safety online, many of us fail to educate ourselves on the potential dangers of internet bots and AI technology. For the 2024 election, it is important to take a step back from technology and be aware of the power (and risk) of automated accounts. A sound cup of coffee won’t hurt either, as the journey towards understanding this rapidly-changing digital landscape can be daunting and overwhelming.