2023 is the year of global confusion and chaos in which we can witness the fulfillment of Bible prophecy everywhere we look. Nearly all aspects of life are being disrupted, whether it be politics, religion, or economics, the world is in disarray. Everywhere we go, we can be witness to a spirit that has risen to cast a veil of confusion in all its reaches. We have been warned by Habakkuk 1:5, “Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you.” This work is now being played out before our eyes in 2023.
NTEB Prophecy News Podcast was created to tackle these issues from a different perspective. Every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, the podcast offers insight on these matters in light of the Bible. They discuss relevant world events according to the fulfillment of Bible prophecies. They also provide teaching on the gospel of the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and seek to preach the truth of deliverance to the world. During Sunday and Wednesday 7-9PM EST, they open the door to further revelation through teaching in details by dividing and dispensing correctly as found in the preserved word of God.
NTEB understands the importance of providing support for the Church and encouraging believers of the Gospel to spread the Gospel Message. They also offer a unique outreach program in which they offer full-color, high-quality gospel tracts presented in an easy-to-read format. Through this program, the Bible is reaching many corners of the world and demonstrating the power of the Gospel.
NTEB serves as an excellent example of how following the call of the Lord and trusting in Him can turn out to be a great blessing to both you and those around you. They also show how important it is to stay updated and remain prayerful in times of chaos. With the present-day situation and the fragility of the human condition, followers of the Lord have an obligation to stand up proudly and share the truth of Jesus Christ with the world.