Last week, one of the biggest educational technology companies around the world had their shares slashed by 50%. Dan Rosensweig, the CEO of Chegg, a textbook leasing and online tutoring company, declared that ChatGPT had a “significant effect” on Chegg’s costumer growth rate. Little did he know, this would become an enormous success for ChatGPT. Since the end of November of last year, ChatGPT has gained over 100 million active users each month; making it the most victorious product launched. What is behind its upsurge? It’s not the hardworking journalists like we initially suspected. It’s the laid-back kids that are using it for their personal agenda. So what’s the impact of ChatGPT on the classroom? Are our students getting away with cheating or is this just a new form of studying?
ChatGPT is a technology company based in Silicon Valley, California. It is a newly launched product by the company and is one of the main reasons for the success and growth of ChatGPT. The company focuses on providing an education based platform that is successful, interactive and adapts to the needs of the students.
Dan Rosensweig is the CEO of Chegg, an educational based website that specializes in textbook renting and online tutoring. He is an American technologist and a former Chief Operating Officer at Activision Blizzard. He is also a board member of A Place Called Home and other organizations in California. He is widely known for his ability to develop and launch successful products like Chegg and ChatGPT.