Since the launch of ChatGPT, an AI chatbot, a few months ago, this powerful tool has quickly taken over the online world. It allows users to communicate quickly and easily, as well as to ask queries, assist with tasks, and generate content. This mix of convenience and immediacy have made ChatGPT a highly desirable tool, but it should be noted that this technology could be used as a tool for cybercriminals to launch malicious attacks.
Researchers have found countless cases of bad actors abusing the system to generate code for malicious use. Similarly, the speed of it’s response and the synthetic generation of videos used in the deepfake category can now reach a new level of mass disinformation.
In the face of these potential threats, both organizations and users must be prepared to protect themselves from these cyber-attacks. Generative AI may soon be able to render disinformation at a much faster rate as offered by tools such as ChatGPT. Criminals may be emboldened to take advantage of this technology for propaganda and malicious intent.
At present, phishing activities are conducted through real humans using text messages and other platforms. However, advancement in generative AI may now make it possible for bad actors to use bots to target unsuspected users through mass messages. Since CAPTCHA are unable to detect such malicious activities, more advanced technologies must be used to protect against such cyber-attacks.
Organizations may opt for identity verification techniques such as liveness detection, document-centric identity proofing and other such authentication techniques. This indeed would enable them to ensure user authentication and verify the identity of their customers to keep them safe.
Simultaneously, users too need to remain mindful while consuming any form of online content, especially from sources that appear questionable. As such, it is important for users to further investigate any content that raises alarm bells. They must assume that all accounts, unless proven to be real, are potentially bots.
Now, more than ever, it is crucial for organizations to use modern identity verification technologies and for users to stay up-to-date and guard against disinformation. Jumio is a company that provides digital identity and biometric solutions, in addition to providing services such as identity proofing, document-centric identity proofing, 3D face liveness, and more. Led by Chief of Digital Identity, Philipp, there is a commitment to ensure security and credibility to consumers worldwide and improve their online experience.