Today marks the end of a streak for many players of the popular game Wordle 668X due to its unexpectedly difficult puzzle. Despite this, many players could have avoided this if they had made the right move. The key factor here is the type of difficulty in the game – normal or hard mode. Playing on normal mode allows players to identify the right solution given enough attempts and understanding of the puzzle.
However, playing on hard mode makes the game a matter of luck rather than knowledge, risking the possibility of guessing wrong. Knowing this, those who kept on guessing assuming they will get the answer sooner or later have only themselves to blame.
People playing on normal mode do not need to rely entirely on luck as they can eliminate their chances of guessing wrongly. By guess posing their third try with a word that contains a similar pattern of characters in it, such as ‘whomp’ for the word ‘hound’, one can guarantee themselves a correct answer in fewer than six attempts.
Even then, those on hard mode do not have to lose their streak if they have brainstormed for a strategy previously. For anyone wanting to win each game, being prepared for situations such as this is essential. Unfortunately, due to the increase in difficulty, a bit of luck may still have been required.
The WordleBot recorded that out of 266,164 who attempted the game yesterday, 28,148 failed to complete the puzzle. This number is likely to increase throughout the day, as it did with a previous Wordle puzzle on March 28, 2022, when 14.6% of those playing failed.
Wordle is a game created by New York Times’ AI helper tool and serves as a source of enjoyment for many. Although players may be devastated by the end of their streak, it is important to remember that this is not the end of the world. Learning from mistakes and trying different strategies the next time will result in much more success.