The White House is calling for legislation to protect individuals from deepfakes created using artificial intelligence (AI) after a series of fake photos featuring Taylor Swift went viral on social media. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre expressed her concern over the incident and stated that addressing AI-related issues is a priority for the Biden administration. She emphasized the need for legislative action to deal with such problems effectively.
The deepfake images of Taylor Swift gained widespread attention on a popular platform, with one post receiving 45 million views before being taken down. However, the platform was slow to respond, leaving the post online for approximately 17 hours. In response to the incident, the platform released a statement clarifying its strict policy against posting non-consensual nudity images.
Jean-Pierre highlighted the important role that social media platforms play in enforcing their own rules to prevent the spread of such objectionable content. It is crucial for these platforms to take responsibility and proactively address these issues.
Satya Nadella, the Chairman and CEO of Microsoft, also voiced his concern about the explicit AI-generated fakes of Taylor Swift. He emphasized the need for swift action to combat the problem.
Reports suggest that Taylor Swift is considering legal action against the website responsible for generating the deepfakes.
The incident involving Taylor Swift’s deepfakes showcases the urgent need for legislation to regulate AI-generated content and protect individuals from such misuse. The White House’s call for legislative action reflects the growing concern over deepfakes and the potential harm they can cause. Social media platforms also bear a significant responsibility in preventing the spread of this type of material.
With the support of legislative measures, it is hoped that the issue of deepfakes can be effectively addressed, safeguarding individuals from the harmful consequences of AI-generated fake content.