Recent times have seen multiple headlines claiming AI tools like ChatGPT and Bing Chat are somehow detrimental or hazardous to us. We then go on to see Reddit threads covering the same topic. This has become quite the nuisance.
In actuality, these tools are a great revolution in the way business is conducted online. The large language models (LLMs) they are trained on allow us to find solutions to many everyday problems. Although, as it happens with any big innovation, people will find ways to use them inappropriately. They’ll ask these bots inappropriate things or make them say or do dangerous things.
This does not mean however, that the AI is to blame here. We are. Humans are the creators and the source of the content that these AI chatbots are trained on. Without us and the material we provide, these robots just can’t function.
There is a need for caution, and even potential regulations should these AIs are allowed to run on infrastructure without a human being to think independently. Fearing AI’s is also not necessary – OpenAI engineers are doing their best to incorporate boundaries in their software that can help limit AI’s potential to do harm. Microsoft, for example, has gone a step further in putting in place tighter regulation.
The issue is that many people will inevitably produce headlines containing ‘I made Bing say XYZ’ content, simply to produce clicks and views. This distracts the public from recognizing the real potential AI can offer us. It is up to us to use AI responsibly and improve our lives, not abuse it to create potentially dangerous outcomes.
Cooltake’s Reddit post is a good example of what we should be doing instead. He or she was able to have delightful session with Bing Chat, where it offered advice on learning how to use OpenAI’s API in a simple Python project. And with great success too!
A positive move forward would be to focus on the great things that AI is capable of and what we can do to help ourselves by applying it in a creative and productive way. Restricting the use of AI chatbots to creating sensational headlines needs to come to an end.
ChatGPT and Bing Chat, along with other AI tools, can lead us to great and unexpected outcomes if we use them correctly. Let us all strive forward to create a future of more possibilities and successes.