Unacast has launched a new location intelligence platform by combining machine learning with GPS data aggregation models. The Unacast Insights platform enables users to understand migration and demographic trends across specific locations of interest. By doing so, retailers, marketers and real estate investors can make informed decisions about store placements and future investment. The platform can help users understand foot traffic patterns and performance, as well as quickly determining the best location for any potential future properties.
Unacast is a Norwegian-based platform that uses real-time and historical location data to produce data-driven insights.Â
Jonathan Schuster is the Chief Product Officer at Unacast, primarily overseeing software design, technology development, and product lines. Schuster has been working in the field for many years and his experience is used to influence important company strategy and architecture. He has taken up this role after his previous position as a partner in McKinsey and Company where he worked on building growth strategy for many enterprises.