Twitter, the popular microblogging platform, is undergoing a major transformation under its new owner, Elon Musk. In a move that has shocked social media users, the iconic blue bird logo has been replaced with a minimalist white X on a black background. Musk, known for his ambitious ventures, tweeted about bidding farewell to the Twitter brand, as the logo change is accompanied by a shift in the website’s domain to
The revamp signifies Musk’s attempt to reposition and rebrand Twitter since he acquired it for $44 million last year. The new logo, which is currently a placeholder, represents Musk’s vision of building a new super-app called X. This reimagined platform will integrate audio, video, messaging, and even a payments system, creating a global marketplace for ideas, goods, services, and opportunities powered by artificial intelligence (AI).
Experts suggest that with this transformation, the Twitter we once knew is no longer the same. The X super-app is poised to become the new face of Twitter, with Musk intending to differentiate it from its previous identity. Amitoj Singh Chandiok, Lead of Digital Planning & Growth Strategy at marketing agency Social Panga, affirms that X will adopt a new positioning going forward, and Twitter as we know it will cease to exist.
However, not all users are receptive to the change. Some view the choice of the letter X as negative and reminiscent of danger, error, and the past. Critics argue that Musk’s various alterations, including restricting the number of daily tweets, introducing a subscription model for verified badges, and allowing the return of previously banned troll accounts, have elicited widespread criticism. As a result, the platform has experienced a significant decline in advertising revenue and has laid off thousands of employees.
The hashtag #RIPTwitter has been trending on the platform, indicating the dissatisfaction of users and their resistance to the changes implemented by Musk. Josraj Arakkal, Professor of Practice at SIMC, Pune, emphasizes that this radical rebranding may not resonate with the current Twitter user base, potentially leading to an exodus from the platform.
Despite the backlash, Musk remains determined to shape X into a unique and all-encompassing super-app. His obsession with the letter X is evident in the names of his other ventures, such as SpaceX and X AI. For now, users will have to adapt to the new X logo and brace themselves for further redesigns and additions aimed at transforming Twitter into a global marketplace of ideas and opportunities.
In conclusion, Elon Musk’s Twitter revamp, symbolized by the introduction of the X logo, marks a significant departure from the platform’s traditional identity. While some view it as a necessary evolution, others perceive it as a departure from the essence of Twitter. As X takes shape as a super-app, the world awaits the outcome of Musk’s ambitious vision, and the future of this once-beloved social media platform hangs in the balance.