Tokyo, Tokyo, Make Me a Match! Metropolis Hopes AI App Will Spur Marriages
After years of unsuccessful attempts to reverse declines in marriages and births, the Japanese capital turns to AI for a solution
On an overcast day in Tokyo this week, singles gathered at a botanical garden to participate in a mystery-solving game that could potentially lead them to a lifelong partner.
Despite various matchmaking events held by the government of Tokyo over the years, aimed at boosting marriage rates and birth rates, the results have been lackluster. Now, with a population of 14 million, the city is set to launch an AI-powered dating app in the hopes of achieving better outcomes.
The app, slated for release as early as this spring, is poised to offer a new approach to matchmaking by leveraging artificial intelligence technology. By expanding beyond traditional methods like parties, dating advice, and fashion tips, Tokyo aims to provide a more effective solution to its declining marriage and birth rates.
Will this innovative AI app be the key to sparking new relationships and encouraging couples to tie the knot? Only time will tell as Tokyo takes a bold step towards leveraging technology to address societal challenges.