India’s largest IT firm, TCS has confirmed entering the Artificial Intelligence (AI) space, with an effort to build their own ChatGPT-like AI Tool. According to the Chief Operating Officer and MD of the company, N Ganapathy Subramaniam, the tool will be developed using in-house algorithms, language modelling functions and generating the codes with their own proprietary data.
The ChatGPT platform, which is used by Air India for modernising their digital systems, uses a generative Artificial Intelligence Chatbot for specialised code generation. However, the project is still in initial stages, and the company is currently focusing on recognizing the internal codes, data and all available resources.
TCS will use generative AI algorithms to help build code, and they are also exploring to incorporate it into their own low-code platform, Mastercraft. This is similar to the project, Copilot, launched by Microsoft-owned GitHub and OpenAI to allow developers to build software faster. Over a hundred clients are already using the Mastercraft platform.
The COO of TCS also revealed their plans to make ‘prompt engineers’ who can effectively prompt contextual queries to the generative AI language models. This role will be equally important as having engineering, mathematical or analytical skills.
TCS is also looking at evolving regulations governing these AI solutions, to be able for the technology to reach its full potential. N Ganapathy Subramaniam, who will be retiring in 2024, promises to have these solutions up and running before his tenure is up.
Founded in 1968, TCS stands as the most valuable IT firm in India and ranks among one of the top 50 IT firms in the world. It has over 467,000 employees in 46 countries and provides various services like consulting, digital and business solutions and other technology assists for small, medium and large scale enterprise.