Learn how to build a successful consumer tech product without relying on venture capital. Discover key principles for bootstrapping and achieving sustainable growth.
Discover how Alma, the friendly AI real estate assistant powered by OpenAI, is revolutionizing the industry. Streamline property searches, analyze deals, and increase efficiency with Alma.
. Apple, one of the world's most valuable companies, provides innovative products and services to customers across the globe while focusing on its mission to reuse resources and reduce environmental impact. Founded in 1976, the company has made headlines recently with its implementation of company policy that restricts the use of AI chat tools like ChatGPT in the workplace. OpenAI, the owner of ChatGPT, has made sure user data is secure and can be prompted for help. However, this hasn't stopped other major companies from banning AI tools in their offices. Apple has recently released an iOS version of ChatGPT, in order to protect confidential information and create an incognito mode for users.
Explore the evolution of tech policy from Obama's optimism to Harris's vision at the Democratic National Convention. What's next for Democrats in tech?