OpenAI CEO Sam Altman recently responded to a letter signed by tech leaders, including Twitter CEO Elon Musk and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, which proposed to pause powerful AI experiments. During a virtual event at MIT, Altman shared his opinion and emphasized on the safety protocols suggested and the six-month research OpenAI conducted before the release of ChatGPT 4. Musk, Wozniak and over 1,000 other tech leaders believe AI experiments should resume responsibly and protocols should be set in place to ensure safe development.
. Elon Musk, the CEO of Twitter, has created a new Artificial Intelligence (AI) company called X.AI. His set objective is to challenge the Silicon Valley giant OpenAI and push the boundaries of AI tech. Musk's company is backed by 100 million shares and partnered with Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple. It is a major venture and could revolutionize the way AI is used.
In this article, AI leaders such as Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak calling for a 6-month research halt and Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI encourages caution in developing AI technology. OpenAI is constantly making advancements with AI research, development and its applications. Altman is also an active investor in these technologies with focus on safety measures. This article discusses these techniques and more!
At OpenAI, CEO Sam Altman recently expressed that they are not yet working on GPT-5 despite a signed letter from Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak, and more addressing "profound risks to society" that Artificial Intelligence (AI) could have. Altman stated that OpenAI had invested over 6 months of research for GPT-4 prior to releasing it to the public. OpenAI is researching topics related to AI and safety standards and investing efforts into ChatGPT - a chatbot powered by GPT-4. Alibaba recently debuted a chatbot, with English and Chinese capabilities.
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman addressed an open letter about the future of AI, citing his comments at MIT on concerns about GPT-5, emphasizing safety measures, rejecting idea of a monetary pause, and striving for public cooperation. Acknowledging the risks posed by AI development, Altman stressed OpenAI's commitment to safety and diversity.
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