Amazon is racing to integrate AI chatbot technology into their operations, but they're playing catch up to rival Microsoft's ChatGPT. However, Amazon is committed to investing in generative AI technologies and exploring ways it can improve their services.
Discover the AI stocks that experts believe could bring long-term benefits. Market researchers have predicted over $10tn in value with, Walmart, and Amazon leading the way.
Discover the newest data trend in the 2023 report by Snowflake's CIO and CDO, Sunny Bedi. Artificial Intelligence (AI) use cases have become a fundamental need for businesses utilizing Snowflake. Bedi emphasizes a single source of data is essential, while citing Snowpark as an example of trendsetting AI and programmability. Their recent acquisitions, Streamlit, and Neeva, help enhance their operations and improve conversational experiences. Don't fall behind and embrace the future of AI with Snowflake.
iHeartMedia, along with other big companies like Apple and Verizon, have prohibited employees from using OpenAI's ChatGPT on company devices to safeguard confidential information.
Accenture boosts AI and machine learning with Nextira acquisition. Combining cloud-based solutions and predictive analytics for enhanced client capabilities.
Explore the evolution of tech policy from Obama's optimism to Harris's vision at the Democratic National Convention. What's next for Democrats in tech?