Netflix's Animation Division Faces Cutbacks and Layoffs - Variety reports that Netflix's animation department is downsizing, resulting in the cancellation of two movies. Despite challenges, animation continues to thrive in areas like adult animation and anime. Find out more in our comprehensive State of Streaming series.
Leading AI companies commit to implementing safety measures in AI content, including watermarking, as part of White House efforts. Promising step towards safer and more secure AI.
Mercedes-Benz and Microsoft's ChatGPT chatbot can entertain kids, suggest recipes and book reservations. User privacy is a top concern, with anonymised data storage. Join the US beta program today.
Generative language programs like ChatGPT have limitations, including telling jokes. Researchers found ChatGPT produced variations of one of 25 joke set-ups 90% of the time. While the AI can break down what makes a joke funny, its ability to do so was a result of prior training and memorization. ChatGPT learned a specific joke pattern, but its generation and identification of jokes focuses on their meaning and content. ChatGPT3.5 represents progress towards AI's understanding of humor, but humans still reign supreme in the realm of jokes.
Explore the evolution of tech policy from Obama's optimism to Harris's vision at the Democratic National Convention. What's next for Democrats in tech?