On April 21, 2021, Twitter removed the blue tick verification from more than four lakh accounts, including celebrities, politicians, and public figures. Following this, Google and Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai unleashed DeepMind, an AI system to develop safe and robust technologies, as the rivalry for artificial intelligence advances. On Twitter Blue, one has to pay Rs 900 monthly/ Rs 9,400 annually to get the blue tick verification. Don’t miss the list of names who lost their blue tick - Bill Gates, Hillary Clinton, Shah Rukh Khan, Virat Kohli, Elon Musk and more!
Discover how having ChatGPT skills can help you be competitive in the job market! Up to 92% of businesses hiring today seek employees with ChatGPT experience, from entry-level roles to executive positions, and 30% of hiring decision makers are in need of it urgently. Microsoft and the Biden Administration are making moves to ensure the technology is used responsibly. Start building your skill set now and take the job market by storm!
In an engaging fireside chat between Bill Gates and DreamBox Learning CEO Jessie Woolley-Wilson, the two discussed how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be used across various areas. Gates challenged the AI-powered ChatGPT by OpenAI to pass the AP Biology exam, and the bot emerged victorious! Additionally, they talked about the disruption AI technology like ChatGPT can cause, which could be comparable to the Internet's impact. Gates was the first outsider to get a glimpse of GPT-4 technology at a dinner organised by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman. Lastly, DreamBox Learning was applauded for its ability to personalize learning for students and has won several awards.
In this article, Bill Gates discussed the potential applications of Artificial Intelligence and its limitations. He was impressed by ChatGPT, a chatbot developed by Microsoft-backed OpenAI, who passed an Advanced Placement (AP) Biology exam with flying colors. Gates noted that AI has difficulty with understanding abstract questions, however, sparking complex conversations concerning AI development. Microsoft and Tesla Inc. are both influential players in computer technology and sustainable energy respectively.
Microsoft's groundbreaking AI chip Athena could revolutionize OpenAI's language models, saving up to $700,000 per day in processing costs. Microsoft began this project in 2019, now employing more than 300, working to make it available to internal users as soon as 2021. Latitude, an AI dungeon game using OpenAI's language model, is already paying $200,000 a month for AWS servers. Microsoft is looking to improve budgeting for AI projects and reduce operations costs for AI models.
Explore the evolution of tech policy from Obama's optimism to Harris's vision at the Democratic National Convention. What's next for Democrats in tech?