State-sponsored hacking groups from China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea have been experimenting with AI tools, including OpenAI’s ChatGPT, to enhance their hacking capabilities, according to a report by OpenAI and Microsoft. The groups, which include notorious Russian hackers Fancy Bear, have utilized generative AI for various purposes such as refining computer code, generating computer programs, and creating content for phishing attacks. The hackers also used AI tools for open-source research and identifying experts focused on defense in the Asia-Pacific region. However, OpenAI and Microsoft emphasize that their models offer limited capabilities for malicious cybersecurity tasks and the AI tools did not lead to any particularly unique AI-enabled attacks. As a precautionary measure, the accounts of the hackers who accessed generative AI tools have been terminated, and both companies continue to monitor for potential misuse.
State-Sponsored Hackers Utilize AI Tools to Refine Hacking Skills and Phishing Attacks
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