Snapchat is set to expand its offerings in the realm of generative AI features with the introduction of its new ‘Dreams’ feature. This move follows the recent launch of Snapchat’s AI-powered chatbot called My AI, which can now respond not only with text but also with Snaps. With ‘Dreams,’ Snapchat aims to further explore AI-generated visuals, allowing users to envision themselves and their friends in imaginative scenarios.
According to app researcher and developer Steve Moser, ‘Dreams’ represents Snapchat’s foray into the creation of AI-generated images. This new feature will empower users to capture or upload selfies that the app can transform into fresh images of the users in scenarios of their choosing, similar to existing AI photo apps found on the App Store.
While apps like Remini have gained popularity by offering professional-looking headshots for platforms like LinkedIn, Snapchat’s ‘Dreams’ aims to go beyond conventional headshots. The feature seeks to position individuals within imaginative and fantastical settings. However, the success of this endeavor will depend on users providing clear selfies with unobstructed features and no other individuals present. The app will guide users in capturing effective AI-generated photos by providing tips on poses, expressions, and lighting conditions.
Additionally, Snapchat is developing a feature called ‘Dreams with Friends’ that will allow users to authorize their friends to create collaborative AI-generated ‘dream’ images featuring both individuals. This collaborative aspect of AI-generated visuals could have a potential monetization strategy for Snapchat, as there are references to purchasing ‘Dream Packs’ within the app.
The existence of Dreams was initially revealed by reverse engineer Alessandro Paluzzi, who discovered the feature within Snapchat’s app, positioned between the Camera Roll and Stories, indicating its prominence. Snapchat’s recent progress in the development of ‘Dreams with Friends’ and the potential for monetization through ‘Dream Packs’ demonstrate the platform’s commitment to fully implementing this feature.
With ‘Dreams,’ Snapchat aims to offer users a novel way to express themselves through AI-generated visuals. By enabling users to immerse themselves in imaginative scenarios and collaborate with their friends, Snapchat continues to push the boundaries of AI technology within its platform. As the feature rolls out, it will be interesting to see how users embrace this new form of self-expression and how Snapchat further evolves its offerings in AI-generated visuals.