Searches for ChatGPT decline in second quarter


The popularity of ChatGPT, an AI chat platform, has declined in the second quarter of 2023, according to the search trend report issued by Coc Coc, a Vietnamese search engine. The report highlights the top eight topics that were searched the most in Vietnam over the past three months.

In the second quarter, the most searched keywords in Vietnam were ‘Quat tich dien’ (rechargeable electric fan), ‘chu tich ACB’ (ACB president), and ‘BlackPink’. Interestingly, the keyword that topped the list was ‘mat/cat dien’ (electricity cut/outage), which can be attributed to the serious electricity shortage experienced in the northern region during the hot days in late June. To cope with the shortage, Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) had to implement a rotating electricity cut schedule for northern provinces and cities.

The search volume for ‘quat tich dien’ (rechargeable electric fan) and ‘may phat dien gia dinh’ (household-use electricity generator) saw a significant increase of 97 times and 73 times, respectively, compared to the first quarter of 2023. This surge in interest can be attributed to the electricity shortage and the need for alternative power solutions.

Internationally, the search trend revolved around BlackPink, a popular girl band. Vietnamese youth were eagerly searching for tickets to the band’s upcoming concert, scheduled to take place in Hanoi at the My Dinh National Stadium in July. The excitement surrounding this event has been dubbed as ‘Blinks’ (the fans of BlackPink) hunt for tickets.

Another notable topic of interest for Vietnamese users was the Michelin rating and the demonstrations in France. The Vietnamese audience showed curiosity about the prestigious Michelin rating, while also keeping up with the ongoing demonstrations in the country.

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When it comes to entertainment, Coc Coc search engine revealed that it was the most searched topic, accounting for 28 percent of the searches. In terms of cinema, the keywords ‘Bac si Cha’ (Doctor Cha) and ‘Lat mat 6’ (Face Off: The Ticket Of Destiny) were the most sought-after for dramas and movies, respectively.

In the realm of TV shows, the Chinese reality show ‘Sisters Who Make Waves’ and ‘Viet Rap’ garnered the most attention. The participation of Vietnamese singer Chi Pu in the Chinese show attracted young Vietnamese viewers.

Education ranked as the second hottest topic, accounting for 25 percent of search volume. This was due to the high school entrance and high school final exams occurring during this period. Students and parents sought information and resources related to these examinations.

Technology secured the third position in the search trends. Surprisingly, the searches related to ChatGPT decreased by 6 percent compared to the first quarter of 2023. However, the keyword ‘AI Chat/AI Search’ witnessed a growth rate of 101 percent, indicating users’ interest in alternative AI chat platforms.

Overall, the second quarter of 2023 showcased a decline in interest for ChatGPT while emphasizing the importance of various topics ranging from entertainment, education, and technology in the search preferences of Vietnamese users.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Related to the Above News

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an AI chat platform that allows users to engage in conversations with an artificial intelligence system.

Why did the popularity of ChatGPT decline in the second quarter of 2023?

According to the search trend report, the popularity of ChatGPT declined in the second quarter of 2023 based on searches conducted on the Coc Coc search engine. However, the specific reasons for this decline were not mentioned in the article.

What were the most searched topics in Vietnam during the second quarter of 2023?

The most searched topics in Vietnam during this period were 'Quat tich dien' (rechargeable electric fan), 'chu tich ACB' (ACB president), 'BlackPink', 'mat/cat dien' (electricity cut/outage), Michelin rating, French demonstrations, 'Bac si Cha' (Doctor Cha), 'Lat mat 6' (Face Off: The Ticket Of Destiny), 'Sisters Who Make Waves', 'Viet Rap', high school entrance exams, and high school final exams.

Why were rechargeable electric fans and household-use electricity generators highly searched?

The search volume for rechargeable electric fans and household-use electricity generators saw a significant increase due to the serious electricity shortage experienced in the northern region of Vietnam during late June. People were looking for alternative power solutions to cope with the shortage.

What international topic received attention in Vietnam during the second quarter?

BlackPink, a popular girl band, received significant attention in Vietnam during the second quarter. Vietnamese youth were eagerly searching for tickets to their upcoming concert in Hanoi, creating a buzz of excitement among fans, also known as 'Blinks'.

What were the most popular topics of entertainment in Vietnam during this period?

In terms of entertainment, cinema-related searches, such as 'Bac si Cha' (Doctor Cha) and 'Lat mat 6' (Face Off: The Ticket Of Destiny), were the most sought-after for dramas and movies. TV shows like the Chinese reality show 'Sisters Who Make Waves' and 'Viet Rap' also garnered significant attention.

Why did education rank as a top topic of interest in Vietnam during the second quarter?

Education ranked as a top topic due to the occurrence of high school entrance exams and high school final exams during this period. Students and parents were searching for information and resources related to these exams.

How did technology fare in the search trends during this period?

Technology secured the third position in the search trends, with searches related to ChatGPT declining by 6 percent compared to the first quarter of 2023. However, the keyword 'AI Chat/AI Search' witnessed a growth rate of 101 percent, indicating users' interest in alternative AI chat platforms.

Overall, what did the search trend report reveal about the preferences of Vietnamese users?

The search trend report revealed that Vietnamese users had varied interests, with entertainment being the most searched topic, followed by education and technology. While searches for ChatGPT declined, users showed curiosity in alternative AI chat platforms.

Please note that the FAQs provided on this page are based on the news article published. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, it is always recommended to consult relevant authorities or professionals before making any decisions or taking action based on the FAQs or the news article.

Aniket Patel
Aniket Patel
Aniket is a skilled writer at ChatGPT Global News, contributing to the ChatGPT News category. With a passion for exploring the diverse applications of ChatGPT, Aniket brings informative and engaging content to our readers. His articles cover a wide range of topics, showcasing the versatility and impact of ChatGPT in various domains.

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