Scarlett Johansson’s legal team is seeking answers from OpenAI after the development of a voice assistant that closely mimics the actress’s voice, despite her rejection of an offer to collaborate with the organization. According to a statement given to NPR, Johansson disclosed that OpenAI CEO Sam Altman extended an offer for her to lend her voice to the ChatGPT 4.0 system back in September. However, the actress turned down the opportunity for personal reasons.
Approximately nine months later, the actress was surprised to discover that the latest version of the voice assistant introduced by OpenAI, named ‘Sky,’ bore a striking resemblance to her voice. Johansson expressed shock, anger, and disbelief at the decision to pursue a voice that closely resembled hers, especially after she had declined the initial offer.
During OpenAI’s Spring Update Event, the organization showcased the artificial intelligence-powered voice assistant to the public. The similarities between the ‘Sky’ voice and Scarlett Johansson’s voice did not go unnoticed by her friends, family, and the media, prompting further inquiry from the actress’s legal team. Johansson’s representatives are adamant about understanding the reasoning behind OpenAI’s development of a voice assistant that seemingly emulates her voice, particularly following her decision to not participate in the project initially.
The development has undoubtedly sparked discussions about the ethical considerations surrounding the use of celebrity voices in artificial intelligence technology. As the situation unfolds, both OpenAI and Scarlett Johansson are expected to provide additional insights into the matter to address concerns and shed light on the decision-making process behind the creation of the ‘Sky’ voice assistant.