Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson expressed shock and anger after the recent launch of OpenAI’s chatbot with a voice similar to hers. The chatbot named Sky drew comparisons to Johansson’s tone in the movie ‘Her,’ leading to controversy.
OpenAI announced on X that they would pause the AI voice to address queries about voice selection in ChatGPT. Despite clarifying that the voice was not an imitation and recorded by a different actor, Johansson felt that her likeness had been used without consent.
Johansson revealed that she had declined an offer from OpenAI CEO Sam Altman to voice the ChatGPT 4.0 system but was surprised by the resemblance of Sky’s voice to hers. She hired legal counsel and requested an explanation from OpenAI, resulting in the removal of the voice from the platform.
Altman clarified that Sky’s voice was not meant to imitate Johansson’s and apologized for the misunderstanding. He explained that the voice actor for Sky was cast before any contact with Johansson, emphasizing respect for her.
In a statement, Johansson called for transparency and legislative protections for individuals in the age of deepfakes and digital likeness. She stressed the importance of clarity and privacy to safeguard personal identities and work.
Overall, the incident highlights the challenges of AI technology and the need for clear communication and consent in voice usage. Both parties aim to resolve the issue amicably while addressing broader concerns about digital replication and rights protection.