Samsung has temporarily restricted the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, including ChatGPT, for its employees. This follows certain cases of misusing the technology, as per news by CNBC. Amidst this, IBM CEO Arvind Krishna has announced that the company expects to pause hiring for certain roles, while roughly 7,800 jobs could be replaced with AI and automation in the forthcoming years, according to a Reuters report. Further, Freshworks, India’s second largest SaaS company, surpassed the expectations of the market analysts for the last quarterly earnings. The SaaS company benefitted from its many affordable products.
Founded in 2010, Freshworks is a software provider that specializes in customer relationship management (CRM), customer service, IT service management, help desk, and sales automation. They offer cloud-based, on-premise and hybrid solutions for all sizes of businesses, from small start-ups to large enterprises. It is designed to give a higher level of customer experience, with the help of cloud, Workflow, and AI technologies. Freshworks has managed to strengthen their foothold with powerful AI-powered solution, innovative products like Freshdesk, Freshservice, Freshsales and Freshconnect.
IBM CEO Arvind Krishna is leading the company effectively to the digital age and has focused on the acquisition of top startups to develop its on-demand offering. He is highly concerned with the feeling of everyday acceptance, as IBM expands and becomes a leader in the digital transformation. IBM’s decision to leverage AI and automation to replace certain roles is a response to the growing trends in the IT industry and the focus of customers on procuring the latest technology. Under Arvind’s leadership, IBM is placed at the forefront and has been able to win deals from many leading companies, such as Microsoft, Walmart, AT&T, and Google.