On Thursday, President Biden and Vice President Harris held an AI meeting. OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and Operation Hope CEO John Hope Bryant joined Squawk Box to discuss the implications of this meeting in comparison to the A.I. arms race and the importance of regulations.
OpenAI is a San Francisco-based research lab that seeks to advance the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. It was founded by a team of researchers and professionals led by tech titan Elon Musk and famed AI researcher Y Combinator president Sam Altman back in 2015. The group works to develop systems that are more effective at understanding and responding to humans tasks than current systems. With an emphasis on maintaining fairness and ethics throughout its activities, OpenAI’s goal is to reach the stage of Human-level AI.
Sam Altman is the CEO of OpenAI and the president of the renowned Silicon Valley startup accelerator Y Combinator. He is well-known for his work in the field of artificial intelligence and has been a frequent adviser to leading tech organizations like Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Uber. With his own startup career spanning two decades, Altman has become an established leader in the tech sector. On the topic of the AI meeting with President Biden and Vice President Harris, Altman commented that “getting this right is one of the most important questions of our time”. With his wealth of expertise and experience, it is clear that the world would be well-served by Altman’s thoughts on the subject of artificial intelligence.