OpenAI CEO Sam Altman commented on AI innovation during his visit to the White House on Thursday. In an interview with FOX Business, Altman said that while AI technology is a challenge, it is something that we can manage and should take seriously. He was joined by Google CEO Sundar Pichai, who expressed the hope for a productive meeting on the topic. Vice President Kamala Harris was present during the meeting and was greeted by two influential startups, Microsoft-backed OpenAI and Google-backed Anthropic.
OpenAI is a research laboratory that focuses on advancing artificial intelligence (AI). Founded in 2015, the company has a mission to ‘ensure that artificial general intelligence (AGI) benefits all of humanity’. With its CEO, Altman, at the helm, the firm has become a leading innovator in autonomous systems, natural language processing and more.
Sam Altman, a computer scientist and investor, is executive chairman and CEO of OpenAI. Altman has considerable experience in the fields of artificial intelligence, software engineering and technology start-ups. He is also known for holding prestigious positions in companies like Loopt, AnyPerk, and the Y Combinator.
The Biden administration has invested $140 million to establish AI research institutes in order to develop the technology in a safe, secure, and responsible manner that benefits people’s lives. The administration wants both the government and the leading tech companies like OpenAI, Microsoft and Google to work together to reduce the risks and manage AI. Altman and Pichai have both expressed their support for the meeting, highlighting the importance of AI and its potential to benefit humanity.