Bollywood star Ranveer Singh has taken legal action against a misleading deepfake video that surfaced online with a political message aimed at Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
In the video, Ranveer is shown criticizing PM Modi while endorsing the opposition Congress party during the ongoing general election. The video, apparently filmed during Ranveer’s visit to Varanasi, seems authentic, but the audio has been manipulated using AI technology to mimic the actor’s voice.
Ranveer quickly addressed the issue on social media, warning his followers about the dangers of deepfake technology. He posted, Beware of Deepfake, friends, in an effort to raise awareness about the deceptive nature of such videos.
To combat the spread of this misleading content, Ranveer has lodged a police complaint. An FIR (First Information Report) has been filed to investigate the origins of the deepfake video and hold those responsible accountable, with the Cyber Crime Cell leading the inquiry.
The incident involving Ranveer Singh serves as a stark reminder of the growing threat posed by deepfake technology and the importance of remaining vigilant against the spread of misinformation in the digital age.