The Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council (QCC) recently released a report that detailed their performance in the first quarter of 2023, which specifically reported on their inspection and audit of 26,214 products in markets across Abu Dhabi. These inspections were conducted both in-person and on online sales platforms, with 24,091 inspected in the field and 2,123 inspected online. Of the items inspected, 4,896 measurements instruments, 312 product packages and 7,800 commodities were verified.
During their inspection, the Council also recalled two products that have been removed from other international markets, and managed to rectify three products out of the 1,456 commodities inspected. Executive Director of the Consumer and Market Services Sector, Khalaf Al Mazrouei noted how valuable their inspection services are in maintaining product safety and consumer rights. He also expressed the Council’s commitment to adopt the best-in-class international practices and standards.
Apart from the data detailed in the report, the Council is also working on multiple other initiatives. They are ramping up efforts to police exports and imports of goods to ensure that these products are safe and do not contain any substances that are hazardous to health. Furthermore, 8 of their inspectors were awarded Judicial Enforcement Officer certificates by the Judicial Training Academy of the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department. Additionally, 18 of their inspectors also underwent 2 months of basic training in order to renew their status as judicial officers.
The Council also recently conducted a 4-day campaign on pre-packaged Ramadan products from the 21st to 24th of March, which inspected 13 markets in Abu Dhabi and its neighboring regions to verify the quantity and conformity of the products.
The Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council (QCC) is a government entity established to protect consumers and ensure products traded in the markets of Abu Dhabi conform to safety and quality standards. It advocates fair trade and ensures products are safe for consumption, as well as accurate in labeling. The Council works regularly with related authorities and bodies to meet their objectives. Khalaf Al Mazrouei is the current Executive Director of the Consumer and Market Services Sector, where he is responsible for developing and sustaining the Council’s services. Under his leadership, the Council has made great strides in increasing product competitiveness and consumer safety and rights.