The emergence of ChatGPT, an AI platform that uses generative technology, has caught the attention of many investors who are seeking ways to leverage the AI boom to grow their wealth in the stock market. As ChatGPT and other generative AI platforms are cloud-based, they need data centers from which they can operate. Australia-based tech shares Macquarie Technology Group Ltd and NextDC Ltd are well-positioned to benefit from the increasing demand for generative AI, as they operate some of Australia’s highest-quality data centers. According to analysts at Goldman Sachs, these data centers could be essential for ChatGPT, and as the platforms’ users increase, there will come a time when they need to be closer to them. In the near future, early local AI deployments by enterprises could benefit AUS co-location facilities. In contrast, mid-term needs like lower-latency applications and ecosystem connectivity could drive compute into co-location facilities like Macquarie Telecom’s shares and NextDC shares.
Macquarie Technology Group Ltd. is an information technology and consulting company. The company is comprised of five businesses: Macquarie Cloud Services, Macquarie Data Centres, Macquarie Government, Macquarie Telecom, and Macquarie Media.
NextDC Ltd is an Australian data center operator that provides enterprise-class colocation services to local and international organizations. The company has nine data centers located in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, and Canberra. The company has a customer base that includes blue-chip corporates, government departments, and IT service providers.