Pixar’s latest film, Elemental, has revolutionized 3D animation with its groundbreaking visual effects. The movie, which hit theaters in June, has already raked in a staggering $395 million at the global box office. As Pixar’s 27th film in its illustrious history, Elemental once again pushed the boundaries of technology, thanks to a partnership with Vast Data, a leading data platform company for the AI era.
Pixar first collaborated with Vast Data in 2018 for their film Soul, using the innovative volumetric rendering technique. Impressed with the results, Pixar challenged Vast to handle three times more data for their next project, Elemental. However, this film presented a unique set of challenges compared to its predecessor.
Unlike previous Pixar animations that relied on geometric surfaces and materials, Elemental employed broadly-applied volumetric animation methods. This led to a staggering six times increase in data footprint and computational demands compared to Soul.
Eric Bermender, the head of data center & IT infrastructure at Pixar Animation Studios, described the intricacies of the production process. In Soul, the characters in the soul world exhibited a distinctive glow, achieved through the meticulous simulation of light particles in 3D. The team at Pixar went beyond simply painting dots and created detailed simulations, elevating the visual experience for viewers.
Bermender emphasized that Pixar’s pace of innovation is driven by the storytelling and animation techniques demanded by their talented creatives. With each film, they strive to push the boundaries and introduce concepts never seen before. The constantly evolving technology at Pixar adapts to meet the unique requirements of each new project.
One particular challenge faced during the production of Elemental was file caching. Traditional character models used in films like Toy Story, featuring Woody and Buzz Lightyear, remained consistent throughout each shot. However, volumetric characters required a different approach. Each frame of these characters was independent, leading to the need for a simulator rather than traditional models.
The collaboration between Pixar and Vast Data has once again showcased their commitment to innovation and pushing the boundaries of animation. By harnessing cutting-edge technology, Pixar continues to captivate audiences with awe-inspiring visuals and immersive storytelling.
The success of Elemental highlights the importance of collaboration between art and technology in the entertainment industry. As Pixar continues to redefine the possibilities of 3D animation, audiences can eagerly anticipate their next groundbreaking film.