Over 100,000 OpenAI ChatGPT accounts have been compromised and are being sold on the dark web. According to a report by Group-IB, the leaked credentials were found in logs of stolen information that were then offered for sale on underground cybercrime platforms. More than 12,632 of the stolen credentials were traced back to India, highlighting the popularity of ChatGPT in the country. Other countries affected by the breach include Pakistan, Brazil, Vietnam, Egypt, the United States, France, Morocco, Indonesia, and Bangladesh. This underscores the need for enhanced data security measures as the use of AI and digital interactions becomes increasingly prevalent.
The popularity of ChatGPT among businesses highlights the need for better cybersecurity practices. Info stealers like those responsible for the ChatGPT breach are able to capture sensitive information like passwords, cookies, and credit card numbers. This suggests that many people, including businesses, are not practicing good cyber hygiene, such as using strong passwords and enabling two-factor authentication.
To prevent data breaches like this, users are strongly encouraged to follow password protection practices and secure their accounts with two-factor authentication. This is one of the best ways to protect accounts since it requires not just a password, but also another piece of information, such as a code sent to the user’s phone. As cybercriminals continue to evolve their tactics, it is increasingly important for individuals and businesses alike to take cybersecurity seriously and implement effective measures to protect themselves from data breaches.