News Corp Australia has embarked on a groundbreaking initiative to revolutionize the way news is delivered by incorporating generative artificial intelligence (AI) into their content production process. With the help of this AI technology, the media network has been able to produce an impressive 3,000 articles per week, covering a wide range of topics such as weather updates, fuel prices, and traffic conditions.
During the World News Media Congress held in Taipei, Michael Miller, the executive chair of News Corp Australia, unveiled this innovative approach to news production. He highlighted that the AI-generated articles are predominantly focused on providing service information to readers of local hyperlocal mastheads, ensuring they have access to valuable and timely information that directly affects their daily lives.
It’s important to note that although the articles are produced with the assistance of AI, editorial decisions regarding the content are still made by working journalists. The organization’s Data Local unit, led by data journalism editor Peter Judd, spearheads the production of these AI-generated stories. With a team of four staff members, they curate the articles to ensure accuracy, relevance, and overall quality. Furthermore, these articles undergo the necessary scrutiny and review by journalists before being distributed nationwide across the company’s network of 75 hyperlocal mastheads.
To maintain transparency with readers, the AI-generated stories are interactive with journalists’ bylines, creating a seamless blend of human expertise and AI technology. However, there is currently no explicit disclosure on the website indicating that the articles are AI-generated, as the presence of working journalists imbues the content with credibility and trust.
The spokesperson for News Corp Australia emphasized that the goal of these AI-generated articles is to provide service-oriented information to readers. For instance, the AI technology is employed to update local fuel prices multiple times daily, as well as to provide daily court lists, traffic updates, weather forecasts, death notices, and funeral announcements. The spokesperson underscored the fact that all information and decisions are closely supervised by working journalists from the Data Local team, ensuring accuracy and reliability.
According to a report by the World Association of News Publishers, hyperlocal mastheads are responsible for a significant 55 percent of all subscriptions. This indicates a growing demand for localized news and demonstrates the value that readers place on having access to relevant news and information that specifically pertains to their immediate vicinity.
Newsrooms across Australia are increasingly exploring the possibilities of AI, with other media outlets such as the national broadcaster the ABC also considering how this technology can enhance the accessibility and reach of their content. The ABC is particularly interested in leveraging AI for applications such as translation, content recommendations, text-to-speech delivery, and personalized news experiences.
While these advancements in AI offer promising opportunities for news delivery and content creation, it is essential for media organizations like News Corp Australia to maintain their commitment to journalistic integrity. They must continue to present a balance of perspectives and opinions, ensuring that the AI-generated content aligns with the highest ethical standards of news reporting.
As the commercial network Nine Entertainment explores the potential of AI, they have yet to establish a formal policy regarding its implementation. The continuous evolution of AI technology in the media landscape holds vast potential for transforming and improving news delivery and accessibility.