Recently, Infosys founder NR Narayana Murthy made a statement about the new OpenAI’s artificial intelligence technology ChatGPT which has triggered a new AI (Artificial Intelligence) race. On a news channel, he said that ChatGPT is an excellent addition to knowledge generation for tasks such as writing an essay. However, he remained firm in his belief that the human mind is the most powerful imagination machine and nothing can beat it. Infosys CEO, Salil Parekh, also divulged that they are currently working on their own software development tool on a open-source Generative AI platform, which was trained on their software development library.
Chairman of Axilor Ventures, Kris Gopalakrishnan, shared support for ChatGPT, citing its democratizing influence on the artificial intelligence machine learning models, and discussing the wide range of tasks such as reading x-rays, essay writing, poetry, summarising information and documents, and testing code segments, that it can help with.
Infosys is a renowned Indian multinational corporation with a major presence in information technology, consulting, and business solutions. Founded in 1981 by seven engineers, the company today engages with customers across 45 countries. With offices and development centers across the world, Infosys has now taken a lead role in the global market. Their innovative technological solutions such as the artificial intelligence technology, ChatGPT, have helped earn the company a Pulitzer Prize.
NR Narayana Murthy is an Indian entrepreneur, programmer, and philanthropist. He is widely known as the co-founder of Infosys, which he founded along with six other businessmen in 1981. He has won numerous awards and accolades including the Padma Vibhushan award and Time Magazine’s Asian Hero award. He has also served as the chairman of the board at Infosys for six years and was later appointed as an additional director of the board. He continues to be an advocate for digital transformation and a fervent supporter of technology solutions.