Mrs. Davis, an upcoming Peacock series, is a unique combination of genres featuring an all-knowing artificial intelligence and a vigilante nun. Utilizing the ideas of creators Hernandez and Lindelof – the former a sitcom writer best known for “Young Shelden” and the latter the creator of renowned TV series such as “Lost” and “The Leftovers” – the show jumps between comedy, sci-fi, mystery, whodunit, love story, and family drama.
Susan Rovner, the Head of TV Programming for NBCUniversal/Peacock, introduced the duo to craft Mrs. Davis, as both Hernandez and Lindelof conceived a story about a mysterious AI as well as a showrunner. The result is an eight episode battle of morality and faith, with Sister Simone (played by Betty Gilpin) set to oppose the AI.
Mrs. Davis has especially achieved a high level of relevance due to ChatGPT, an OpenAI-owned chatbot. Hernandez and Lindelof have based the show on what ChatGPT could become in the years to come as the bot develops to a higher capability.
The production staff of Mrs. Davis includes experts in the field of technology to make the AI as plausible in the show as possible. For example, an MIT graduate has generated an algorithm to help create episode titles. Without realizing it, Hernandez and Lindelof have created a series that reflects the current cultural moment.
The show’s leading lady Betty Gilpin, who is also experienced with working on Lindelof’s movie “The Hunt”, describes “Mrs. Davis” as “No Country for Old Looney Toons.” The “GLOW” actress enthusiastically added that every day composes of an array of genres, ranging from psychological drama in the morning to being a gripping love story in the afternoon.
Mrs. Davis is about investigating the differences between artificial intelligence and humans, as well as accepting and cherishing the intangibility that comes with life. It is a show wrapped in humour and entertaining actions yet deeply conveying relatable emotions.
NBCUniversal/Peacock is an American media-services provider and production company, wholly owned by the international media conglomerate NBCUniversal, a subsidiary of Comcast. Established in 2019, the streaming service offers quality television series, films, and digital media.
Damon Lindelof is an American television writer, as well as a producer and director who has created such acclaimed series as “Lost”, “The Leftovers” and “Watchmen”. He is well-known and respected for his ability to bring together suspense and mystery with theological themes. He’s currently the co-creator of “Mrs. Davis”.