Qualcomm’s CEO, Cristiano Amon, has hinted at the potential release date of Windows 12, stating that it will arrive in mid-2024 alongside the launch of their new Arm-based chip, Snapdragon X Elite. Although not explicitly mentioned, Amon’s comments suggest that the next version of Windows will come with advanced AI capabilities, powered by OpenAI. This aligns with rumors and reports from other sources, including an Intel executive who predicted a significant Windows refresh in 2024. According to a report from Taiwan’s Commercial Times, PC manufacturers are expecting Windows 12 to launch in June of this year.
Despite the anticipation surrounding Windows 12, it is unlikely to experience immediate uptake from consumers. Statistics from Statcounter reveal that 66% of Windows users are still on Windows 10, while only 27% have adopted Windows 11, which was released in October 2025. This suggests that many users may be hesitant to upgrade to the latest version.
The news of Windows 12’s impending arrival is significant for the tech industry. It signals a shift in the laptop market, as Snapdragon X Elite promises to bring disruptive changes to PCs. The AI-related features expected to be incorporated into Windows 12 could revolutionize the user experience and enhance productivity. However, it remains to be seen how quickly users will embrace the new operating system.
As the launch date approaches, it is essential for Microsoft to effectively communicate the benefits and improvements that Windows 12 will offer. This will be crucial in encouraging users to make the transition from older versions of Windows. The success of Windows 12 will heavily depend on its ability to address consumer needs and provide a seamless and intuitive computing experience.
In conclusion, Qualcomm’s CEO has hinted at a mid-2024 release for Windows 12, which aligns with other rumors and reports. The upcoming operating system is expected to introduce AI-related features, powered by OpenAI, and bring disruptive changes to PCs. However, it remains to be seen how quickly users will adopt Windows 12, considering the significant number of users still on Windows 10. The success of the new operating system will depend on effective communication of its benefits and improvements.