Microsoft recently unveiled new AI software and devices in a bid to compete with tech giants Apple and Google. The new wave of AI-focused PCs will be known as Copilot+PC, offering increased power and speed compared to Apple’s MacBook Air M3. These machines, available in Microsoft’s Surface line and from manufacturing partners, will start at $1,000 and feature a special chip dedicated to AI processing.
Among the new offerings is OpenAI’s GPT-4o, an updated version of the GPT-4 designed for improved text, audio, and image handling in real-time. This technology will soon be integrated into Microsoft’s Copilot AI assistant, which will also introduce a feature called Recall to help users locate buried browser tabs, files, emails, or chats using conversational prompts.
Microsoft is focused on making generative AI accessible to everyday consumers, not just corporate clients. CEO Satya Nadella expressed optimism about the breakthrough potential of computers understanding humans rather than the other way around. The company showcased a live captions feature in Windows that can translate video content from 40 languages into English instantly, as well as a new AI co-creator program to enhance basic sketches.
Windows Copilot Runtime is a new software layer incorporating over 40 AI models to handle various tasks related to text, visual, audio, and analysis. Microsoft announced support for an upcoming PC initiative from Intel and AMD, but the newly introduced computers all run on Qualcomm chips, elevating Qualcomm’s position in the AI-infused technology landscape.
The inclusion of Qualcomm chips underscores the company’s belief that its mobile phone technology aligns closely with the future of AI-powered devices requiring greater power consumption. With these advancements, Microsoft is striving to position itself at the forefront of consumer AI innovation, aiming to create computers that truly understand their users, marking a significant step forward in the evolution of AI technology for broader applications beyond the corporate realm.