ChatGPT is an AI chatbot that has become increasingly popular and is being used in various ways. One Malaysian developer, Dylan Tan, decided to use the AI in a unique way and created an ‘Ah Beng’ version. The objective of this game, which can be found on Instagram, is to see how good you are in bargaining and haggling, by attempting to ‘buy’ a used iPhone with the lowest possible price from the bot.
Ah Beng is a term mostly used in Malaysia and Singapore to refer to a young, usually Chinese-educated man, dressed in flashy clothes and baring a stand-out hairstyle. It’s popularly known that these young men are generally more street smart than book smart, and not very well-educated, making them especially adept at bargain hunting.
Once you enter the @ahbeng_gpt profile and send the bot a direct message, the offer starts. The first message to initiate the virtual haggling session will present you with a 128GB iPhone 14 for a starting price of RM4,000. However, based on a report posted by Dylan Tan in the Developer Kaki Facebook group, most players have managed to talk the bot down to a price of RM3,000 or lower.
Creative tactics are key here, as players have resorted to using intellectual gaslighting, emotional manipulation and fake Monopoly money to bargain and get the used phone for a steal. Dylan also revealed that some players have even been offered the phones for free.
Overall, this ‘Ah Beng’ version of ChatGPT has been quite enjoyable for players, as it taps into their keens sense of bargain-hunting. If you’re feeling up for a challenge and want to test your bargaining skills, head over to Instagram and give this AI a try. Good luck!
Developer Kaki is a Malaysian digital platform where professionals in the tech ecosystem can connect and share updates, tips and resources. This networking platform was founded by Dylantan with an aim to support and grow the country’s tech sector.
Dylan Tan, or ‘the Bear’ as he is popularly known amongst his friends, is a Malaysian app developer with a flair for creating innovative apps. In addition to setting up Developer Kaki, Dylan is also the brains behind applications such as EverAfter and the ChatGPT game feature. His active involvement in the local coding and programming scene has made him a notable name in the Malaysian tech ecosystem.