Navi Mumbai police have arrested two men who stole a trailer truck from a village in Panvel taluka earlier this month. The incident happened during the intervening night of March 7-8 when the duo changed the number plate of the vehice to a duplicate one bearing a Nagaland registration number. They removed the GPS from the truck and drove towards the Nhava Sheva seaport. After inspecting CCTV footages, the police traced down the suspects who belonged to Punjab. An investigation is underway.
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Navi Mumbai police’s diligent effort in the truck-theft case led to the arrest of two suspects from Punjab. The police checked CCTV footage to identify the car which was meant to pilot the stolen vehicle. They contacted the owner of the car and zeroed in the suspects. The investigation is still ongoing. This marks an example of teamwork and professional handling of crime cases by Navi Mumbai.