Title: Why Learning the Language of Humans is Key to Empowering Generative AI for Automation
Business process automation has been a long-standing practice, but the emergence of generative AI is revolutionizing the field. At VentureBeat Transform 2023, Kognitos founder and CEO, Binny Gill, and Wipro Ventures managing partner, Biplab Adhya, discussed how generative AI can enhance automation. The panel was moderated by VentureBeat’s Carl Franzen.
Kognitos recently secured $6.8 million in funding, with Wipro Ventures as one of the investors. As an investment arm of Wipro, a global IT consulting and business process services firm, Wipro Ventures aims to identify disruptive technology companies that can collaborate with its business units to benefit enterprise customers.
Adhya explained that automation is a crucial part of their customers’ requirements. Over the years, automation has taken various forms, such as rule-based process technology, robotic process automation (RPA), and low-code frameworks. With the advent of generative AI, Wipro Ventures recognized its potential as a disruptive tool for business process automation.
Adhya stated that everyone acknowledges the impressive possibilities of generative AI, but the team was searching for practical solutions that can be safely utilized by enterprises today. The technology’s use of natural language to enable automation is a particularly promising development. This is precisely what Kognitos accomplishes with its generative AI platform.
Gill highlighted that introducing automation to enterprises is not a novel concept, but the use of natural language for automation is relatively new. Kognitos utilizes generative AI to learn the language of humans, eliminating the need for humans to adapt to machine language.
Traditional approaches to automation often require hard-coded rules for execution. However, Kognitos’ AI approach differs. Gill explained that their AI engine embraces ambiguity and continuously learns from human interactions. Instead of relying on code that may or may not work, organizations can employ an AI system that engages in dialogue with users to determine the best approach in ambiguous situations.
Gill emphasized that this method allows businesses to maintain the rigor of business logic while accelerating processes that require human judgment. The AI becomes a colleague to the business user, constantly learning and evolving alongside them, effectively boosting efficiency over time.
For Wipro, Kognitos AI is akin to having an additional employee. It acts as an engine for the business user, working alongside them and being trained to perform tasks by the user themselves. Adhya added that the generative AI approach with natural language comprehension eliminates the need to hire additional employees or data scientists to manage the automation engine.
Ultimately, Kognitos’ AI platform bridges the gap between humans and machines by understanding the language of automation comprehensible to both. This not only streamlines business processes but also empowers organizations to operate more efficiently without the additional burden of hiring new personnel.
With its potential to transform automation, generative AI opens up possibilities for businesses across various industries. By combining human judgment with advanced AI capabilities, organizations can drive faster decision-making and achieve greater levels of efficiency.
In conclusion, the power of generative AI lies in its ability to understand and speak the language of humans. This presents a significant step forward in automation, allowing businesses to optimize their processes without compromising on the human element. Kognitos’ AI platform, backed by Wipro Ventures, holds the potential to revolutionize automation practices and redefine the future of business operations.