Class Technologies has announced its plan to launch a beta version of its A.I. Teaching Assistant, a ChatGPT-powered solution aimed at improving student engagement and results in online classes. Students interacting with the A.I. Teaching Assistant’s chatbot-like interface will be able to ask questions and receive answers in real-time, based on the topics taught in class. They can also highlight portions of the transcript to get an AI-generated description of the same. Furthermore, it can also provide students with a customized study guide based on the course’s specific materials and notes.
Michael Chasen, the Co-founder and CEO of Class, expressed his enthusiasm about the possibilities of AI-driven education, calling it “a potential to scale the influence of great teachers who are dedicated to the outcomes of their students.” Whilst the solution is designed to intensify the learning experience by providing almost instantaneous access to relevant information, users will also be able to turn the A.I. Teaching Assistant on and off for individual courses. Class Technologies is In line with all applicable data privacy requirements, the company is also catering to the colleges and taking their feedback into account for the further development of their AI teaching assistant.