On Tuesday, CEO Mark Zuckerberg conducted a chat with Adam Mosseri, the head of Instagram to launch a collaboration feature on their broadcast channels. This feature will allow creators and fans to communicate and interact with each other when using the broadcast channels. It was previously released to select creators last February. This feature enables broadcasts to send out notifications when a post is published to the channel.
During the conversation, Mosseri revealed that Instagram is now supporting GIFs in comments. This feature is already rolling out to users and they can utilize GIPHY search for it. In addition, they are working on a lyrics in Reels feature. This builds on the auto-captioning feature that was introduced last year by the social media company.
Mark Zuckerberg asked the community members in the chatroom for ideas of what potential new features can be added to Instagram. This included chatbots powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI), creating images through AI, and other functionalities.
Meanwhile, the company also announced its plans to rollout the Instagram Gifts feature in India soon. Through this feature, people will be able to give money to creators as a form of appreciation. This past month, Instagram also introduced editing tools for video, audio, stickers and texts. This includes spliting clips, adjusting playback speed and replacing clips.
Instagram is a leading mobile and online photo-sharing, video-sharing and social networking services owned by Facebook. It started off as a mobile, exclusive app that allows users to post and share photos and videos, however, has now grown into being the biggest online photo sharing platform. Adam Mosseri is the current head of Instagram, having been appointed as the CEO of the social media platform in 2018. He is also on the board members of Meta and is a driving force of its growth strategies.