Indian girls are joining the global coding bandwagon in the ChatGPT era. For many, coding is not only creative and fun, but it also instills confidence and opens up new career avenues. The demand for skilled coders and software developers has increased post-pandemic, and developers have become the most sought-after roles in India. AI jobs opening in India are also on the rise, with data scientists and Machine Learning engineers among the most sought-after careers. Apple CEO Tim Cook has emphasized that coding is the only global language and has urged more Indian students, including girls, to learn to code. As technology continues to accelerate, coding is becoming a vital life skill, and equipping students with logical and algorithmic thinking skills.
GeekyAnts is a global leading web and mobile app development company, where Parul Malhotra works as a senior software development engineer.
Indore’s Asmi Jain, a 20-year-old, was one of the winners of Apple’s ‘WWDC23 Swift Student Challenge’. Jain created an original app that tracked a user’s eye movements to help people recover from eye misalignment and facial paralysis.