Ahead of the India-US BioPharma and Healthcare Summit to be attended by scientists, academicians, corporate leaders, and officials from both countries, an Indian government official has put forth the call for G20 countries to collaborate and focus on evidence-based research.
Amitabh Kant, the G20 Sherpa for India, voiced the importance of global collaboration and partnerships, as well as streamlining workflows in drug and vaccine development, clinical research, and inventory management, to mitigate risks and make sure health care services are delivered seamlessly. Kant also emphasized the responsibility of G20 member countries to ensure robust and resilient health systems to provide health security to citizens, in order to ultimately foster socio-economic equity in the world.
The Research and Innovation Initiative Gathering (RIIG), Science20, and Startup20, all under the G20, are three programs meant to achieve this. To that end, representatives from big BioPharma companies, such as Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Biogen, Merck, and venture capitalists, will be in attendance at the virtual summit, as well as Harvard, MIT, and MD Anderson academic personnel, and Global Research and Development leaders from Takeda, Sanofi, Amgen, Novartis, and Eli Lilly.
As part of the virtual summit, there will be a special session between Amitabh Kant and the high-profile industry leaders to discuss BioPharma R&D, Clinical Trials and Global Supply Chain. USAIC has also created a platform by providing free registration to the summit, leading to over a thousand medical students and researchers globally getting involved.
To promote the innovation space in India, the government has enacted several policies to drive and introduce investment in the country. Some of these improvements include the development of world-class infrastructure and business-friendly environment, digitalisation of operations with the aid of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other digital solutions, and cutting-edge technology as part of research and development.
Hari Bhartia, founder and co-Chairman of Jubilant Bhartia Group, referred to the opportunity provided by India’s strong tradition in pharmaceuticals to expand into biologics and biosimilars, in order to increase the worldwide access to health innovation.
The USA-India Chamber of Commerce (USAIC) is the organisation providing the annual India-US BioPharma and Healthcare Summit, with the purpose of driving innovative collaborations between the two countries and help make BioPharma R&D, patenting strategies and drug development easier. By doing so, doses of drugs to otherwise hard-hit global regions can be more easily distributed and more data can be collected to further BioPharma technology.