Google is rumored to be dropping Samsung Exynos processors for the Pixel Watch 2 and switching to Qualcomm chips, which are designed to improve battery life. The new processors are said to be more power-efficient, which will hopefully address the frustratingly short battery life of the first Pixel Watch. According to 9to5Google, the Pixel Watch 2 will also receive other upgrades such as a skin temperature sensor, which is featured on Fitbit’s latest smartwatches. Google’s return to Qualcomm processors for its Pixel devices is an interesting move, as the company has previously mostly used Samsung Exynos processors. However, Google has no investment in the processors used in the Pixel Watch, making it easier to make the switch. It is unlikely that the company will be able to make custom AI modifications like it can on the Exynos-based Tensor chip, if it moves to Tensor by MediaTek or Tensor by Snapdragon for its phones. Google’s move should increase consumer confidence in its newest products.
Google is a multinational technology company that specializes in Internet-related services and products, including search engines, cloud computing, software, and hardware. The company was founded in 1998 and is based in California, United States.
The author of the original article is not mentioned, but rather, the source of the article is 9to5Google, a website that reports on the latest technology news and conducts in-depth product reviews. The website covers everything from smartphones and laptops to cameras and other consumer electronics.