At Google IO, the company introduced a smarter version of their AI-chatbot, Bard. When it initially launched, it had difficulties in comparison to competitors like Bing Chat and ChatGPT and the launch was a bit of a disaster – the company’s stock plummeted by 8% after a wrong ad answer from Bard. However, the latest update through Google I/O developer conference aims to introduce the AI-chatbot with a more favorable reception. It includes support for 40 languages, extensions and multimodal queries that can now work with images.
On top of that, Google is partnering with third-party services such as Adobe’s Firefly generative image generation service, Wolfram Alpha and more. It currently is available over 180 countries and territories in English, however, the company promises support for Japanese and Korean in the near future. The new features also include being able to surface images in its responses and being able to export Python code to Google’s Colab and Replit.
The person mentioned in this article is Sundar Pichai, the Chief Executive Officer at Google and Alphabet Inc. Under his leadership, the company is constantly innovating new technologies and is now introducing a smarter and enhanced version of their chatbot Bard. He had been instrumental in the growth of the company and has spearheaded initiatives to deliver the best possible customer experience and user engagement.
The company mentioned in this article is Google, one of the most successful and renowned multinational technology companies, based in California, USA. They provide services in the field of Web Searching, Cloud Computing, Advertising Technologies, Software, Hardware and much more. With their AI-chatbot Bard, they aim to expand their customer base and provide comprehensive services in many languages. Their strategies have been consistently successful and their products and services are always on the leading edge of technology.