India’s stable leadership is deemed crucial amid the current global economic turmoil, as highlighted by External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar. In an exclusive interview, Jaishankar emphasized the need for a mature and stable government amidst what he described as a stormy decade characterized by conflicts, power shifts, and intensifying competition on the global stage.
The minister pointed out various factors driving this period of churn, including the diminishing influence of the United States, the conflict in Ukraine, ongoing fighting in Gaza, tensions in the South China Sea, and the impact of new technologies. Jaishankar stressed the importance of India’s voters choosing wisely in the ongoing Lok Sabha polls to ensure the country maintains stable leadership during these challenging times.
He highlighted that the dominance of the United States is declining, while the global economy is evolving due to changes in manufacturing, technology, and supply chains. Jaishankar also underscored the significant impact of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, drones, electric vehicles, and green technologies on the international landscape.
In light of these global developments, the external affairs minister called on Indian voters to make a crucial decision in selecting a government that can navigate the complexities of the current global scenario effectively. With conflicts and tensions escalating worldwide, a stable and mature leadership in India is seen as vital for steering the country through the stormy waters of the coming decade.