Filmmaker Utilizes AI to Create Dystopian IKEA-Inspired Catalog of Bomb Shelter Furnishings


Filmmaker Filip Filkovic has been using an AI tool called Midjourney to generate images for the past six months. While some artists are hesitant about the use of AI, Filkovic sees it as a way to expand his creativity. He has used the images that Midjourney creates to storyboard for his films. In his most recent project, he prompted Midjourney to create images of bomb shelter furnishings, resulting in a series that looks like an IKEA catalog. Filkovic has been posting these creations on social media, garnering attention for his unique concepts. For creatives like Filkovic, AI tools could ultimately serve as a breakthrough for bringing abstract concepts to fruition.

Filip Filkovic is a filmmaker who has been experimenting with AI image generator Midjourney to expand the bounds of his creativity. Over the past six months, he has generated over 24,000 images using the tool, using them to storyboard for his films. His recent Midjourney project revolves around bomb shelter furnishings, with the resulting images resembling those found in an IKEA catalog. Filip has shared these creations on social media, inspiring other creatives to consider the benefits of using AI tools.

Ikea is a Swedish company that designs and sells ready-to-assemble furniture, appliances, and home accessories. It was founded in 1943 by Ingvar Kamprad and has since grown into a global furniture and home goods brand. Known for its minimalist designs, affordable prices, and environmentally-friendly practices, Ikea has become a household name in many countries around the world.

Filip Filkovic is a filmmaker who has been using AI image generator Midjourney in his creative process. Midjourney has generated over 24,000 images for him in the past six months, which he has used to storyboard for his films. His recent project involves generating images of bomb shelter furnishings, creating a series that looks like an IKEA catalog. Filip sees AI tools like Midjourney as a breakthrough for bringing abstract concepts to fruition.

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