Factiverse CEO Raises €1mn for Revolutionary Fact-Checking Platform


Factiverse founder, Maria Amelie, recently appeared on the TNW Podcast to discuss the importance of fact-checking AI and the latest developments in post-quantum cryptography. The episode, recorded with a live audience at the TNW Conference 2024, covered various topics ranging from competitive Excel to cutting-edge technologies.

Amelie’s company, Factiverse, secured €1mn in funding to advance its platform, empowering researchers, journalists, and the general public to fact-check information effectively. The tool is designed to verify data accuracy, including outputs from large language models like ChatGPT.

In this episode, the hosts Linnea and Andrii delved into the world of post-quantum cryptography, shedding light on its significance in safeguarding digital communications against potential future threats. They also touched upon other intriguing subjects, creating an engaging dialogue for the audience.

The podcast’s music and sound engineering were expertly handled by Sound Pulse, enhancing the overall listening experience. If you have any inquiries, feedback, or suggestions, don’t hesitate to reach out to the team at [email protected].

With its blend of informative discussions, impactful interviews, and captivating storytelling, the TNW Podcast continues to be a valuable resource for tech enthusiasts and industry professionals alike. Keep an eye out for future episodes that promise to delve deeper into the ever-evolving European technology landscape.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Related to the Above News

What is Factiverse?

Factiverse is a fact-checking platform that utilizes AI technology to verify the accuracy of information, including outputs from large language models like ChatGPT.

Who is the founder of Factiverse?

Maria Amelie is the founder of Factiverse.

What was discussed in the TNW Podcast episode featuring Factiverse founder Maria Amelie?

The episode covered topics such as the importance of fact-checking AI, post-quantum cryptography, competitive Excel, and cutting-edge technologies.

How much funding did Factiverse recently secure?

Factiverse secured €1mn in funding to advance its platform.

What is post-quantum cryptography and why is it significant?

Post-quantum cryptography is a type of encryption that aims to protect digital communications against potential future threats. It is significant in safeguarding sensitive information.

Who handled the music and sound engineering for the TNW Podcast episode?

Sound Pulse expertly handled the music and sound engineering for the TNW Podcast episode.

How can I share my inquiries, feedback, or suggestions regarding the TNW Podcast?

You can reach out to the podcast team at [email protected].

What can listeners expect from future episodes of the TNW Podcast?

Future episodes promise to delve deeper into the ever-evolving European technology landscape, offering informative discussions, impactful interviews, and captivating storytelling.

Please note that the FAQs provided on this page are based on the news article published. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, it is always recommended to consult relevant authorities or professionals before making any decisions or taking action based on the FAQs or the news article.

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